ACU Employee Spotlight: Getting to Know Nishu Brar

The ACU Employee Spotlight series features some of the many people that work at the credit union, highlighting how their unique roles help members and the community every day.

In this ACU employee spotlight, we talk to Branch Manager Nishu Brar, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. Coming from Entegra Credit Union, she works directly with members every day to help them access the funds they need to make their plans a reality

Keep reading to learn more about Nishu’s day-to-day role, and how working in healthcare led her on a journey into the financial industry. We’re so glad to have her on the team!

Getting to Know Nishu

Question (Q). How long have you worked at ACU? 

I officially joined the team on January 1, 2022, through the merger of ACU and Entegra Credit Union. I’ve been with Entegra since May 2008.

Q. Describe a “day in the life” of your role. 

I am a working manager, which means I lead and coach the branch employees, and I also work with our members to help them with their lending needs. I love working directly with people, which keeps me close to our membership.

Q. What is your favourite part of working at ACU? 

I commend ACU’s community involvement, which is a wonderful part of working here. I genuinely feel the work we do each day tries to make the lives of our members, the community and our employees a little better.

Q. What’s a great financial tip you learned over the years?

Keep a low limit on your credit card. When I was in university, I got into a bit of trouble when I got into debt that I couldn’t pay off. Thankfully, my mom (who also worked in finance!) helped me learn how to use a credit card responsibly, so I took what I learned personally and use it now to help my members. 

Don’t spend what you don’t have — keep your limit low so you can always ensure you can pay it back. 

Q. What’s a fun fact about yourself that most people wouldn’t know? 

My education is in healthcare. In fact, I used to be a Cardiology Technician and worked at St. Boniface Hospital for two years after university.

Helping others kickstart their careers:

Q. How did you get started in the financial industry? 

I mostly worked evenings and weekends at St. Boniface Hospital and decided to look for another job to work during the day. I realized I had a knack for sales and lending, so through some additional education and training, I ended up thriving in the financial industry. 

Q. How has your role evolved since you started? 

I started off as a Member Service Representative (MSR) while I was still working at the hospital. Then, a few months later, an opportunity for a trainee lending position opened up, and the rest is history.

The future of our community

Q. Why would you encourage people to become an ACU member?

ACU is the first financial institution to take a truly holistic approach to banking. It’s very exciting to be a part of it, and I believe we’ll be able to help our members immensely with their financial goals.

up next

ACU Employee Spotlight: Getting to know Andrea Dysievick

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asterisk is Assiniboine Credit Union’s blog*. Here you’ll find advice, insights, resources and inspiration that will help you improve your financial well-being. You’ll also see ideas about how to contribute positively to the social, economic and environmental health of your community.

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